Are you a failed entrepreneur?
With the economy being the way that it is today, there is no wonder that some small business owners close up shop and start looking for employment.
When you’ve worked for yourself for a long time, how hard is it to work for someone else? Even though your business may have failed, your bills still need to be paid.
Imagine the life of a failed entrepreneur.
What would happen if one day you came home and the electricity was disconnected, water lines broken, spoiled food in the refrigerator, and your kids are screaming for the Internet?
It would be a no-brainer to begin looking for gainful employment.
It’s hard out there, for everyone. But don’t despair.
There is hope.
I remember when President Reagan was in office and he eliminated most Americans’ tax deductions, and interest rates were sky high.
It was terrifying, but we got over it.