Promoting your business!
How can you get your name in front of potential clients when you’re just starting up? What is the best way to get the word out about your business in the most affordable way?
Offerring a free newsletter is one of the best ways to promote your new business.
Promoting a new business can be challenging.
Writing a newsletter is the best way to promote your business. It will continue to drive traffic to your website. Send it out every week, every month or whatever works for you. Its purpose is to get people to visit your website and buy your product.
Giving them something free to make them want to open the newsletter and not delete it can be something like dating tips.
A simple one page newsletter is easy to do. It can be a very brief, and easily converted to a PDF format.
You can give tips and other fun things such as positive thinking or motivational anecdotes and a list of social interactive websites for newly single people in your newsletter.
Make it fun and engaging and encourage them to share it with their friends.

You can do this by putting on a “best …. of the week” or a relationship quiz that they will feel compelled to send to others.
You should also tell them to share it with other people by including the ‘Share’ icon listing all of the social networks you’d like to be a part of.
Take a look at Turner Classic Movies and sign up for the TCM email to get their latest newsletter. This is a large website that gives you the schedule for their programs as well as fun forums and interesting facts and articles about the stars. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to sign up.
Turner Classic Movies is a cable channel that plays older films that are part of the Turner Classic Film library. Their newsletter’s strategy to promote their business gives you a schedule of events as well as some information about the upcoming programs and the “Star of the Month.”
How does this station make their money? By selling the rights to their films.
Ted Turner owns the rights of the films that are in the library so he does not have to pay royalties to broadcast his films.
However, his station does generate an interest in classic film that is unique to cable television.
Films that are not owned by Turner are in the public domain. This means that any money made by the station is profit.
Money is generated by viewers who purchase the items in the catalog as well as films.
The reason for the website is to promote an interest in the films with the main objective being people buying the films.
The reason for the newsletter is to remind people to visit the website and check out the films.
The reason for everything is for people to buy the films.
The Turner Classic Movies newsletter and website is probably a lot bigger than the website and newsletter that you will create but basically works in the same way.
You do not have to be Ted Turner in order to use this marketing plan.
Newsletters are fun and easy to create and people will actually look forward to getting them.
This is not like getting a sales pitch in the e-mail because it is free information. It is another strategy to promote your new business.
People will enjoy getting your free tips and if you can make your newsletter entertaining and fun, as well as informative, you can use this form of viral marketing to your advantage.