Websites are using video to promote their business. News sites that used to have all text media now have about half video media.
The use of video has grown with the popularity of You Tube and other similar sites that displays videos. Ranging from amateur videos to videos from professional musicians, making a video is an asset for any business.
Low cost digital camcorders can make anyone to be a video star in a matter of minutes.
Filming your own product commercial to upload and post on You Tube for free is an excellent way to promote your business.
People regularly check You Tube looking for new and exciting videos. If you can make your video stand out by being on the cutting edge of parody, then do it.
Your video posted on You Tube will be among millions of others, it is a very competitive field. You’ll be competing with all of the amateur directors and producers that are out there trying to promote their business or just doing it for fun. And there are many.
From a business standpoint, you want your video to stand out, but you don’t want it to detract from the integrity of your product. Envision a remarkable commercial that will become even more memorable than the more expensive television commercials.
This should be done in good taste. Remember to not be a controversial video that will detract from your business message, which is to go to your website and buy your product.
Create a profile on You Tube and link to your website. It’s no different than other sites that allow you to write an article for free. Learning how to use this site will greatly benefit your business.
Chat with other members in the forums. Make “friends” and steer them to your website. Use this site to generate publicity for your E-book.
Direct as many people as you can to the video from other social sites.
Constantly sell when you are on the site. Use the opportunity to make connections, and develop relationships with like minded people who may have something to offer you to make your business grow.
Some of the biggest business deals are made in relaxed environments where people are having fun.
In addition to posting a video on You Tube to drive traffic to your site, you can insert one directly on your website to make it more interesting.
While a landing page is just basically a sales letter, a website will offer you enough space to add in a video.
Using video on your website can be a good way to get someone to keep coming back or even getting others to view the website. Most websites using video to promote business related products have more audience engagement.
Keep that ‘buzz’ going! Make that video memorable. When someone does a search on your E-book or name, they will see hundreds of different articles and videos relating to you. You will then become well known and on your way to dominating the web.