What does SEO mean? Improve digital visibilty


You’ve probably seen the initials SEO and wondered what they meant.

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.”

What does SEO mean? What this means is that the right amount of keywords in an article, blog or written text will make it show up in the search engine, if that organic search is performed by an individual. You may ask, is SEO still trending? The answer is yes it is. SEO is a vital aspect of digital visibility.

There are three main search engines on the Internet. They are Google, Bing and Yahoo! There are other search engines that are frequently used, such as Search.com and even AOL, but they pale in comparison to the big three.

You want your article or website to come up on the first two pages of these search engines. To make this happen, your article, e-book, website or any other written material must be as specific as possible, giving it a greater chance of being discovered on the Internet.

The relationship book, our previous E-book example, should be given a title that will be search engine optimized. A simple book entitled “Divorced?” will not work. If you want to see for yourself, type in divorced on one of the search engines and take a look at the results. How would you rank in this search? Probably at the bottom, it is too vague.

It is not only necessary to have a search engine optimized title, but also a searchable title for people who are looking for the information that you are going to provide.

Your title or headline is the first (and very often the only) thing users will see on the results page, so you need to make the effort to provide a catchy headline or your chances of getting to the first page are zilch

Try to imagine yourself looking for support or advice about life after a bad relationship. What are the likely words they will use to search on the Internet for help?

Chances are they might use words like heartbroken, breakup, relationship, divorce, broke up, heartbreak, etc. Remember that not everyone who uses the Internet spells well, and most people will put in just a few words to search instead of entire sentences.

They may type “heartbroken broke up” to see what comes up on the search engine. If the name of your book is “Is Your Heart Broken Long After A Break-Up?” instead of “Divorced!” the chances are very good that you will be on the first page of the search engines.

You can add some filler words like “a” and “of” and even put a plural on the end without it affecting the search engines.

There are many different varieties to “heartbreak and broke up.” You can use “Heartbreak” or “heartbroken” in your article, as well as “break up, broken up or broke-up.” All three should be included in the article.

Leave as many small words out of your title as you can and keep everything search engine optimized.

Use the words that count. You should be thinking of keywords and the title of the book to be search engine optimize.

Finally, if you are unsure about how to create search engine optimized articles, blogs or even titles, there are online services that you can pay to get it done for you.

Many SEO firms have made a pretty penny doing just that, with much success.

Of course, as a good business practice, make sure that they give you a fair price up front. I recommend that they show you examples of how they have helped others like you who are just starting out on the internet using search engines.

To your success!